It’s Okay…
*To be gushing at the fall weather promised this weekend. Last weekend snow ruined our plans but we have a clear and sunny 60 degree forecast for this weekend. Yay for fall!
*To be so stinking excited about trying to get my Dad’s Christmas present made. I can talk about it here because he doesn’t work the interwebs, and for all the people whom I have enlisted help from…thank you, thank you for your future contribution of old photos. You’re the very best.
*To know you are good at something. You don’t have to be a jerk about it or a braggart but I decided I can bake – bread, cookies, cakes…you name it. I got my Grandma’s baking genes and I am saying it loud and proud. Now the decorating of said delicious baked goods….not so much.
*To have been so busy this week I haven’t blogged since my last “It’s Okay Friday” because technology failed me. FAIL.
*To have the kind of reactions to a photo that make my heart hurt, like literally in my chest, because the memory is just that good.
*To want to get my nails painted orange and a Jack-o-lantern on the thumbs or pinky or something!
*To think the X Factor is dumb. That’s right, I said it. I made my official stand on the show. It is a knock off copycat with similar judges as it’s predecessor…American Idol for life.
*To be so, so, so glad Jake is gone on Top Shot. What a whiney punk he was. I just wanted to punch him in his face constantly.
*To be excited to attempt Rock Springs take two after the hubs’ shift this weekend. Wish us luck.
Happy Friday!!
its not just that Jake got beat out on Top Shot, he actually quit!! obviously, he could not even handle the pressure. he is all talk and no show and has the maturity level of a 6 year old. Watch Mike come out and win the whole thing!!