Friday, June 17, 2011

It's Okay Friday

It's Okay...

*To have an It's Okay Friday totally based around my marriage.

*To celebrate my 6 month anniversary.  I decided in my first year of marriage all bets are off.

*To brag about my husband being utterly awesome, showing up with a gift for me at work and separating out the colors of my Mike and Ike candies so I only get the ones I like.

*To think being married is awesome.

*To have managed to adjust to married life like I was just made to be a wife.

*To be excited to continue celebrating tonight.

*To think that time has FLOWN by so fast you almost missed that it had even been 6 months.

*To plan romantic HOME.

*To fall more and more in love with him as time goes by. I learned that you aren't the most in love with a person the day you get married, it only gets stronger and deeper with time.

*To love having a partner that is so completely the wind in my sails.

*To be looking forward to all the many adventures that are to come in our life together.

Happy Friday!!

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