Friday, May 27, 2011

It's Okay Friday!

It's Okay...

*To have the desire to become a toned down version of those ladies on Extreme Coupon shows. I mean, they save tons of money, but I don't want 100 bottles of laundry soap.

*To stop weighing yourself every day. I promise ladies, it's an awful habit. Stop. Doing. It. In fact, get rid of the scale completely. Use clothes to gauge your success, it's far less depressing.

*To be in love with the Bean as gas prices rise and she continues to get 42 miles a gallon.

*To take the advice of an online article about how to stay safe and walk home using different routes every day. You know, just in case.

*To eat an entire Watermelon in one sitting.

*To own one of those tank tops with lace on them in about 10 different colors for undershirts.

*To be excited over my husband doing things like fixing the couch, fertilizing the yard, randomly shampooing the carpet when I am at work...he is a serious keeper.

Happy Friday!!

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