Wednesday, August 29, 2012

An Ode To My Husband

You ever tell your husbands things – and you are certain they hear you because they respond – but you aren’t certain that they really grasp the intensity with which you mean these things?  My husband is phenomenal.  I’m talking the most hilarious, kind hearted man you could imagine.  He listens when I speak, he hears me (most of the time) and he responds to me.  However, there are certain things I feel so deeply that it gets clear down to my bones and I want him to know I stinking mean every last word of them.  So I will tell the world these things, so he knows I am not messing around. J
First, I love you – like really, really love you – the kind of love that gets into your blood stream and hurts your heart because I love you that hard.
Next, I believe in you.  I’m not talking like Thomas the Train believe in you, I am talking like blind faith, total trust, complete conviction believe in you.
I freaking love your dimple.  I want to kiss it a billion times a day.
I am grateful for you.  I don’t get all puddles of mush on you very often, but on the real, I probably couldn’t live without you. I mean, I could survive because I would breathe and eat, but it would be one incredibly lame and boring life.
I am proud of you – the kind of pride that wells up and makes a woman so glad she chose a man.  I am proud of you for struggling and coming out on the other side, for dedicating yourself to your education no matter how many setbacks you experience, for being responsible about life, for being honest…and the list goes on and on and on….
I delight in you.
I appreciate you: your ability to hear me when it’s something you don’t like and your ability to tell me things I don’t like.  I believe this particular perk in our relationship makes it work better than most...for if your spouse can’t be brutally honest yet still love you wholly, who can?
I don’t have a word for what I “_______” in you when it comes to your faith because no word exists for the example you have been to me or to others.  What is the word for “my-heart-hurts-so-good-it-makes-me-cry-you’re-a-spiritual-giant?”
“If you’re not a 10, you’re a 9.9” – but you’re a 10.  Probably a 10 +++++
For the next three months we will be strangers to each other.  It will be this way as you enter the first of your final 3 semesters of schooling and we pass one another on campus between classes or for a quick kiss as you grab something to eat on your way out the door. I have gladness in this, too, because this means you are just doing more things that make you incredible, more knowledge in your brain and life experience under your belt.  Those things make you flat out full of all the awesomes.
Basically, in true D&A style, I’m going to resort to a movie quote…
“Listen to me, mister. You’re my knight in shining armor.  Don’t forget it.”
Lastly, my love, “As you wish.”