Wednesday, July 27, 2011

We Want to Know!

I am so excited to be joining WWTK with Mamarazzi and Alicia aka Queso!!
{1} Who would you call if you had to get bailed out of jail?
I can't even think of an answer because aside from the occasional speeding, I don't think I have ever broken the law. Seriously. However, if I got arrested for going something like 110 miles an hour rocking the bean till her bolts were shaking, I'd call my husband. He would understand my need for speed.

{2} If you were a superhero what would your hero name be?
I would want my super hero power to be teleportation and to have mastered the kitchen. I know super heroes don't usually have multiple powers but I am starting a revolution. So my name would need to be....Culinary Teleportation Queen.

{3} What do you think is one of your best qualities?
The answer to this question is also often referred to as one of my worst qualities...but plain and simple, I am just a kind person. I will bake anyone a meal, offer anyone a shirt, provide a roof and a meal for last minute company, volunteer anyone my time that I have to offer...and do it all with a smile on my face.  My husband says it is the most endearing and annoying quality I have because it often results in my being easily used by others, but I choose to believe I help people who TRULY need it more than the other scandalous people who are using me, so it's worth it.

{4} What song would you pick to be your own personal theme song?
Because everyone makes mistakes and because everyone is perfect to somebody...

{5} What celebrity do you think is most over rated?
Brangelina.  Seriously, she is a home wrecker and he left his wife to be with her. Why do we idolize them, again?


  1. I think its great that you're so willing to give service to others! no matter what their intentions are, you are racking up some good karma! :) and i'm so with you on brangelina! i can't understand why people love them so much...i think what they did is just disgusting!
