Friday, February 18, 2011

It's Okay Friday!

Have you ever noticed that on Fridays, everything that normally bothers you seems to suddenly be okay? I was reading a magazine and they had this section called “It’s okay” in which they listed all the things they thought you should come to terms with in your life as acceptable instead of stressing about things being the picture of perfection. SO - I thought it was such a neat thing and decided to combine it with the carefree feelings of a Friday and write all the things that I need to be okay with this week….so here goes!

It’s Okay…

*To like the word neat when it so often gets me made fun of.

*To cry when I am watching the Biggest Loser. Come on people that crap gets emotional!

*To be a chunky monkey because I am working on fixing it EVERY DAY.

*To be grateful that I don’t have to travel this weekend. It doesn’t mean I don’t love and miss you; it just means I am tired and broke.

*To listen to my husband when he says he wants to take the trash out in the morning. Even when it means I am going to bed with a kitchen that isn’t in a perfect state.

*To have spent $16.94 on Anita Blake novels this month. Yeah, they are gory and otherworldly and smutty and supernatural but they entertain my brain on the days it is just too worn out for intellectual thought. I am not ashamed.

*To be utterly in love with babies, but not want to have my own - YET.

*To miss my husband when he is at work. Yeah, I said it. It’s cheesy and silly to most, but I miss his face when it’s gone.

Happy Weekend!!!

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