Monday, June 8, 2015

Living on Grown-Up Street

"Don't delay pursuing your life goals. 

Want to buy a house? Have kids? Write a book? Get a second degree or advanced degree? Change your career? Learn to play a new musical instrument? Learn to cook gourmet meals? Try scuba diving? Run for public office? Start a business and be self-employed? 

Then start today. 

Really, pick one of those life goals and get started." ~ Bill Karwin

Get a second or advanced degree? Check

Learn to cook gourmet meals? Check

Try scuba diving? Check (Ok, it was snorkeling, but that's the best you'll get from me).


Here is the truth about my life - I am a "someday-er." I will go back to school. Someday. I will write a book. Someday. I will start a family. Someday. Recently, however, at the culmination of  other goals in my life (that someday for my schooling being the biggest!), I realized someday is right-freaking-now.

Do I dream about leaving this tundra? I sure do. Someday. Do I think that my husband's career might hit a block in this town? Maybe. Someday.

You know what else though? I also love academia. I love being surrounded with it, living in it, feeding on it. Guess where a great place to live that life is? That's right. Here. On this campus. Everyday

So we are making this sleepy little place home. For now. Today. Everyday.

When we were married, Doug moved into my place and we never saw past that temporary plan for life until after school was done. Now that school is completed, we have never been more excited than to buy our first home - TOGETHER - as a married couple taking on life with a renewed attitude about this day. No more someday for us. Our days are right now. 

We are so excited about this home and the investment it will be for us! It needs some work and some sweat equity to fix that curb appeal, but we are going to do it together, today, not someday, and we are going to rock at this part of life.

So what's next you might ask? Your guess is as good as mine... 

"Want to write a book? Have kids? Learn to play a new musical instrument?..."

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